It's been another busy week for us and tomorrow it's Monday again. The weekend was great even if we had to do errands, soon after hubs decided to go to a pumpkin patch just to enjoy the rest of the day. I don't have the photos ready yet since I've been busy the whole day cleaning here at home and also taking care of my boys. Work never ends that's why it was really nice that our family had the chance to do a little side trip yesterday. I will just post about our pumpkin patch adventure next time.
I am actually done already for the day, I am tired and just relaxing a bit before going to bed. This is my only time to turn on the laptop and browse a bit. A specific news about the drug cartel caught my attention because the way those smugglers do their business was very crafty. They made tunnels from the border of Mexico to the parking spaces in Arizona. Those guys are really pushing the limits just to get their merchandise cross the border. The drug bust resulted to a discovery of 16 tunnels leading to 18 of the parking spaces. Imagine how those smugglers get to sneak their contraband for a price of few quarters.
It's good that this activity was caught because lives can be saved most especially those teens who are in the experimental stage trying out things like drugs and other stuffs. Though there are certain centers and
rehabilitation for those who want to steer away from their addiction, sadly not everybody would want to take this path. There are cases in which a person is too consumed with his or her addiction resulting to grave health dangers already.
It makes me feel so furious to those people who just care to have money, lots and lots of money without caring and thinking the bad results of their actions. Thankfully the government is trying their best to eradicate such activity and is continuously making campaigns through advertisements & commercials to keep people informed. Local site like
www.nida.nih.gov/ reaches out to people who are in need of help, making it possible for them to step out of their vice and be clean.
Having enough storage can be such an issue for people with small homes, organizing and keeping the place tidy can be a headache given a tiny space. Who would want a home full of clutter and mess? I guess nobody would want to live in a place which is very disorganized, having some extra space to move around is a lot more ideal.
Reinventing the space can provide solutions for organization just like having
steel storage cabinets in the garage. These cabinets can lessen the clutter and and help keep a well maintained space, giving a fresh new look of the garage. The
Arrow Spacemaker garage storage system can be configured to match the needs of every home or space. These are not helpful to garage alone but also to any other spaces like basement, utility and laundry room.
Arrow Spacemaker doesn't only offer steel storage like cabinets, it also caters
arrow sheds or
steel sheds for added storage area. These sheds can withstand the outdoor environment keeping your things safe and well kept. If for instance your garage is not big enough to accommodate the rest of your clutter, sheds can be handy to have. Make use of that little space in your backyard to make room for a good sized shed, this will make a great storage place for your bigger stuffs which shouldn't be in the garage anymore.