Finding a good web hosting site is something I really can't do on my own. Thanks to my dear husband who's very decisive and keen with these services, it's something I didn't have to take care of. I like to write, blog or just post random photos but if you were to ask me to do some researches and get deeper into the technical aspect of blogging then that's something I wouldn't want to deal with.
I don't know if I'm just disinterested or simply lazy to do all these things, maybe it's just the fact that hubs has his ways on this matter. Funny that I have been blogging for the past 2yrs and up to now I just care about posting stuffs. I leave all the tedious works to hubs and just do my own thing. Could it be because I used to hear him complain so much about how time consuming abd tiring setting up the blogs can take? Well I don't really know but no matter what I'll leave things as how it is now.
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I don't know if I'm just disinterested or simply lazy to do all these things, maybe it's just the fact that hubs has his ways on this matter. Funny that I have been blogging for the past 2yrs and up to now I just care about posting stuffs. I leave all the tedious works to hubs and just do my own thing. Could it be because I used to hear him complain so much about how time consuming abd tiring setting up the blogs can take? Well I don't really know but no matter what I'll leave things as how it is now.
Well, you have lots in your mind right now.
And I know Baby Jariel occupies a huge chunk too. LOL