I've been having hard time getting something for my grandma but luckily I came a cross some gold jewelry gift sets one shopping time. I saw this gold necklace and earrings set and I didn't think twice, I got it that same day. She likes adorning herself with jewelry most especially when she goes out. I guess that's her posturioza side. I hope grandma will be happy for that very late Christmas gift (yes I still haven't shipped the box I am preparing but hopefully after Christmas).

Speaking of gold, I got these cool gold (plated?) coins from BIL when he asked for some quarters. I never get to have these $1 coins and just always bills. I kept it for our coin collection. Do you know that those genuine gold coins have great value? So if you are keeping one or even more better check it out on how you can have it for future investment. You can check out Gold Coins Gain where you can get Investors Gold Guide book and see more informations about gold investing. This site can help from the beginner investment all the the way to complex family trusts so that you can preserve and grow your assets in the future.

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7 Responses
  1. lina Says:

    Gold is definitely a good investment. And the price sure rise and rise and becoming more expensive!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    I'm all "gold" out of ideas, Ayie! :-)

  3. Ayie Says:


    Too bad i don't fancy gold anymore...just bunch of yellow gold for me. Maybe I should start getting gold jewelries again!

  4. Tekkaus Says:

    Gold is expensive. I have never had any golden dime in my collection. Perhaps I should buy a few from my local banks. :)

  5. Ayie Says:


    Wow, will you be buying soon?

  6. levian Says:

    people used to buy gold, bargaining for a cheaper price back then, just for collection (n the future). nowadays with white-gold, new couples stop buying or collecting gold. it sorta depends on the trend, doesn't it. :)

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