Yes I'm already packing up for our family trip but it's not an international trip just yet. Me, hubs and baby are going to join hubs' office outing and I need to do some packing up. I honestly feel worried for baby but I guess everything will be alright with mommy and daddy with him.

The trip will just be here in California but it will require quite a drive. That's the thing that worries me much because baby can't stay put for a longer period in his infant seat. It will break mommy and daddy's hearts hearing him cry on the way. I will not reveal yet where we will be heading this weekend so I can just share the experience with some photos of the trip later on.

This trip is also timely because I've been looking for luggage online for our come back home trip. I was able to see options from LuggageOnTheWeb.com which are great fro travels. The one we have here is an oversized (baby and I can fit inside!) one which hubs used coming back here last 2005. Actually it's just right for him but for me and baby we'll need something smaller to avoid excess baggage weight limit too. Another concern is that we'll be carrying baby around so another bulky luggage can be quite a burden. I like it plain and simple like Hartmann luggage and Tumi luggage but after seeing Delsey luggage options, I knew it's something we're eyeing for. A good sized luggage and best of all lightweight. I'll be checking out backpacks too because it's very convenient to have one for light hand carry whether you're flying or even just traveling around and camping. We left our backpack back home so we'll need to get one for our use here too.

I better start gathering all the things we'll need for the outing so I'll be clear with those for tomorrow and will have more time to prepare the foods we're tasked to bring. So far I prepared baby's clothes and all medicines that we'll need in any case. Time to work on daddy's stuffs now =)
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3 Responses
  1. betchai Says:

    yehey, have a fun and safe trip Ayie, hope the baby will be well in the entire trip.

  2. mimi Says:

    finally a road trip for baby jariel!! yeay! cant wait to see the pictures!

  3. Tekkaus Says:

    So you guys are taking little Jariel our for a walk already. :D

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