Baby and I have been going out just to have a little sun and check the mailboxes as much as we can everyday but there are days when the weather is just bad like so chilly and a bit of showers, those days we just stay home and just leave the mail checking with daddy. So far that's part of our everyday routine since the mail boxes here always get junk mails like newsprints for groceries and other ad mails.

...baby all dressed up so warm whenever we go out and about...

One advantage of having residential mailboxes outside is that we really have to go out, that gives us more reason to do some outdoor activity. For now baby only goes out very seldom but once he's months older then we'll both be going to places together. The farthest place we went to on foot was daddy's office, we surprised hubs one time. I walked baby all the way to his office and back home. That served as my exercise and baby's day out.

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8 Responses
  1. lina Says:

    I bet baby Jariel loves the walk to Daddy's office. :)

  2. Mariuca Says:

    I wish Mommy and Baby a nice relaxing weekend! :)

  3. Pete Says:

    Ayie, have a nice weekend with your family. Mommy and baby look cute!

  4. betchai Says:

    hi Ayie, glad to see you and your baby together, hope all is well and you are having a good weekend.

  5. rainfield61 Says:

    Your baby is growing up.

    Just like mine.

  6. mimi Says:

    ayie..take some photos outside with your baby, i really wanna see your garden/outside scenery etc! i have been dreaming to stay in cold places like you! haha

  7. Tekkaus Says:

    Awww...he is sleeping! So cute.

  8. it's great to take your baby for a walk to smell the fresh air.

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