Students nowadays are so lucky to have everything available online via the internet. Yes the wonders of using computers! Compare to my school days things are more limited though i didn't live through the barbaric age where technology wasn't so evident. I can remember those times when I hated doing math and other homeworks with any calculations involved.
Speaking of which did you know that Tutorvista offers such statistics help providing statistics tutor to aid your statistics questions and statistics problems? The free statistics help is really nice without having to flip bunch of book pages to come up with the statistics answers. Very convenient, right?
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Speaking of which did you know that Tutorvista offers such statistics help providing statistics tutor to aid your statistics questions and statistics problems? The free statistics help is really nice without having to flip bunch of book pages to come up with the statistics answers. Very convenient, right?
When I was in college, I dreaded going to statistic class. It was one of the classes that I don't like..Great info Ayie!