BIL got SIL Nintendo DS for her birthday and he said it's good not only to entertain her but also to improve on her vocabulary and math skills. I agree, it's a pretty cool gift for kids nowadays but on;y if you choose wisely the games you intend to give them to play too. I agree on his idea of teaching her through the gadget and he even bought educational games for her. SIL has been practicing her vocabularies and math stuffs there whenever she doesn't have much homeworks and of course other cool games on the side.
Aside from this we also encourage her to do online tutoring, this assures that she has her math homework done when none of us can check and teach her out. The online tutoring math and online tutoring services they provide is very kid friendly and easily navigable. She gets to have the lessons she needs within her convenient time. Now that's a big help for us.
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I thought of buying my nephew one of this too... but then does that mean I have to buy it all for my nephews too? I got three! Gasps! How much did it cost?
This nintendo DS is good and easy for kids so yes I agree that it is a good gift for them.
wheee first commentor here too! hehehe
that's nice of him!
Hi Ayie : This is a great idea. I am trying my best to help my son learn English too; to increase his vocabulary so that he can excel in many other subjects that are taught in English. I will try to find games that can increase my son's vocab in our local market. Thanks for sharing your idea.
Awww....people these days are so lucky huh! :p
what a cool gadget but it can be pretty addictive for game lovers.
It is a really cool gadget..I guess it can really help the children make fast decisions too..
Good for learn Nihongo too.
Zaini and Raimie have both DS Lite and DSi. :)
Definitely a good buy because it doesn't only allow you to play games. :D
so long as those games are "healthy" i guess there's no harm to let the kids have them, it actually helps to train them up..