Sometimes I can be so cheap with certain things most especially when it involves printing. I think I prefer to be called frugal because I'm just trying to be economical with my printer ink use. In some cases I opt to simply print in draft quality because I just need a furnish copy but of course when good quality prints are needed then it's a must to do it in best print.
Though refilling inkjet cartridges can be a good option to get cheap ink, hubs don't really like it because it might damage the printer head in time. That's the very reason why I try to do my part in conserving our ink use, normal price here is about $30+ per cartridge. Expensive right? I am not sure if hubs will even consider getting refurbished cartridges in the future since those are way cheaper and more quality than usual refilling. has a full list of different cartridges for every printer use, good price I'd say unlike what hubs always pays for!
it is actually "unhealthy" to use refilled ink or refurbished cartridges,
it will spoil the print-head in long run,
which means you will need to get a new printer much sooner
than when you are using the original cartridges.
i agree that the ink are cheaper when its not original though.
i guess it depends on which of these 2 is your priority. :)