
As you all know I'm nearing my due date already, about a month from now. Me and my husband are trying to get all the necessary things and baby furnitures baby will need. I have been going to stores to check out the best deals and actual displays and we also go through the internet to see the online products they have.

So far we were able to get a baby crib (convertible to toddler bed & sofa) with a matching changing table also a crib mattress. Those are one of the very basics baby will need once he arrives home. We already looked into strollers, infant carrier, toddler car seat, bouncers, rubbermaid high chair and other accessories that we'll need for a basic nursery. It's true what older people say, babies are not cheap! Of course we don't want to compromise the quality of whatever we'll get with for baby with the price so we have to be very careful with our purchases, those things that we'll get are intended for long time use. In a way we're also trying to complete some furnishings here at home so I'm thinking of getting a small bedroom vanity set where I can put all those powders, lotions, creams & the like to keep things organized here in the room. Believe it or not we don't have one since hubs lived here alone with his papa for a while.

The photos are not my real purchases, no photos yet since all those items are still in the box. I just got some similar photos from the net to show the stuffs that we got so far.
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17 Responses
  1. levian Says:

    one more month to go! we are all excited for you n your hubs, ayie! the convertible bed n sofa looks convenient, can be brought anyway along with you guys. :)

  2. Anya Says:

    One mounth to go !!!!!!!!
    I wish I could go shopping with you :-)
    Have fun and take care (for the baby .... LOL)

  3. Tekkaus Says:

    I wanna prepare mine too Ayie... Hahaha :D

  4. lina Says:

    Just one more month!
    Take care Ayie. :)

  5. Cherry Says:

    OMG! isang buwan na lang!!! super-excited for you! :)

  6. I think you have a great sense of beauty, the special decoration is going very well!
    I'm curious about it!
    Take care sweetie!
    God bless you

  7. fufu Says:

    wow... it's the critical period now... have enough rest :) cant wait to see the cute baby

  8. Carver Says:

    I know this is a fun and busy time. I'm sure you're eager to have your baby in your arms but lots to do to get ready. I'm sending out good vibes for you and your baby as you near your due date.

  9. iamthewitch Says:

    Ahh I'm so excited for you! Wish everything will go on well and smoothly.. :)

  10. Elaine Yim Says:

    As you are into your final trimester now, sometimes it may be a little bit uncomfortable, especially when baby's head is in the correct up-side-down position, waiting for delivery. Do rest and relax more, be happy and remember to pack the 'ready-to-go' stuff in one bag. It can happen anytime how as baby may decide to come early. Mine was 2 weeks early.

  11. Bengbeng Says:

    time passes so fast and yr baby is growing inside of you.. it is such an exciting moment in yr life. take it easy.. dont get too tired

  12. The big day is in a few weeks time and no one is more excited than you. i bet your pregnancy has been a most miraculous journey and i'll pray the best for you and your baby.

  13. so get ready to kiss your belly and maternity stretch pants goodbye and say hello to your new baby. :)

  14. Mummy Gwen Says:

    Are you ready, Ayie ganda? Wishing you good luck and have a smooth delivery ya. :)

  15. Mariuca Says:

    Wow Ayie, sure looks like a lot of baby shopping is in order, specially since this is ur first one.. so u gotta buy everything at once, hugs! :)

  16. Mariuca Says:

    Good luck on ur delivery sweetie, I can't wait to see ur baby! :)

  17. The count down is on! Your baby is going to here soon..I'm excited already!

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