
...2nd appetizer cuz prepared, puff buttery bread with mild spicy tuna & cabbage
I don't have a good shot of the 1st one, chicken parmesan roll, very yummy...

I have been ranting about how much I've been craving to eat some foods but I really can't have much of those or even have those because of my strict nutritional diet for my pregnancy. I admit sometimes I cheat and eat more than I should (but need to face consequence of having a walk afterwards) or those foods that I am not supposed to have. It's easy to stay on track with the diet but what's hard is to resist some certain cravings, luckily my baby don't ask much of those foods =P

...3rd & last appetizer, mini pastrami crunchy buns...

It's most"cruel" when we have to attend an invite from hubs' cousin who has a deli shop. He's also practicing being a professional chef and makes such delish foods. We were there last August for his mom's birthday, November for Thanksgiving and some weekends in their place which happens to be like their barbeque day. Auntie is korean so you can tell that we eat very good korean barbeque whenever we go there. That's the kind of temptation I'm saying.

...red snapper & green salad by cuz and menudo hominy from aunt's Latino employees...

Tomorrow I'm officially stepping on my 8th month and I can tell that baby's also getting ready to be out being tired stretching and trying to get some room in my tummy. Some people are asking me already if I plan to work out to get back in shape after giving birth but honestly I am not thinking about that yet. I just simply say taking care of 2 babies (my husband and our baby) will make me lose all the baby weight I gained! *lol* My focus will be taking care of baby, feeding him right and taking care of myself too aside from hubs. No Power 90 or Insanity Workout just yet, I think i need some time to rest to provide better care for baby. In time I can for 10 Minute Trainer just to boost up myself but nothing too heavy as I would need enough energy to face more sleepless nights. What I'm actually thinking is to treat myself to some nice dishes and those all so tempting foods that I have been avoiding all this time. =D

...baked cheesy potato and back ribs, so so so good! his finale was his personal made pizza but too lazy to take a snap as I was too full =)...

...birthday cake that cuz prepared with the help of a friend who really makes cakes,
love the spongy texture and not so sweet taste...

ps: Sorry guys, you might notice the date for this one is for yesterday's post... I didn't notice I saved it instead of publish =P Have a good day/night to you all!

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5 Responses
  1. tigerfish Says:

    Food looks really good!

  2. You're killing me with these delicious foods, Ayie! But take care, the baby will be here soon, and you will get to eat whatever you want!

  3. lina Says:

    So much good food! Yummy!
    I'm drooling all over. :D

  4. levian Says:

    oh gosh, so much temptations! not to imagine you standing right in front of all these food, even we are drooling all over the place just by looking at the photographs. true, taking care of your health n energy for your babies are more important compare to other trivial stuff. you go girl! ;)

  5. Tekkaus Says:

    You are right! All these foods are so tempting! You shouldn't posted it here. Hahaha :D You makes me feel hungry.

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