We are almost done fixing the apartment, few more things to organize and install. Most of the cleaning's done so we're taking it easy. It's been tiring for the past weeks since we needed to get some furnitures and groceries at the same time. Now we're working on all our paperworks and mails. It all piled up so clearing it will also take time.
One thing that we noticed, despite doing so much workloads here at home we don't get too stressed even if we are physically tired. It's so much better than having a "worn out" mind! Before we get so stressed emotionally feeling so crammed and wanting some space. Now we can really say everything's getting better.
Here are some photos taken during the busiest times here. See that big pile of boxes and things by the dining area? All those were in the room before and we finally brought it all out to give way to the crib and changing table for baby. I will update with the after photos once we're done here. Maybe next week we'll be all settled.
He is al so big :))))
He is looking great
(I mean your baby ..... LOL)
Nice pictures you are looking also great
When I had a baby I looked always very tired!!
Enjoy with your young family :))))))))
Awww.....both you and hubs must be having the time of your life huh! :D
Your own private place is always much better than cramping with others. :)
Good to hear that the "havoc" of moving to a new home is almost settled now.
Take care!
I haven't seen your blog in awhile so I didn't even realize your beautiful son had arrived. Blessing to all three of you!!
yeah will be alright!! you need a little bit more time :) all the best... meanwhile take good care of you and the little one ya
Good to hear you are getting settled in and organized. Great shots of you and your baby and of your husband and baby.
Wow, Ayie, so many stuff stack-stack there and stack-stack here :o)
So much stuff you have for just the 3 of u! LOL! No worries, I faced the exact same situation when I moved just a couple of months ago. We had so much stuff just for the two of us, the neighbour thought we had kids! LOL!
Your baby is soooo adorable!
And your place is great! Everything will be setted soon!
God bless you
I think us enjoying baby and me having so much bonding time with him (since I'm breastfeeding only) makes me look and feel better. I am tired, believe me but somehow baby's smiles take it all away. That's why it doesn't show =P
Oh yes!
Ayie ganda, greetings from Jakarta. ^_^ Oh my..seeing boxes and stuff lying around gives me headache..hehe. Baby is so well behaved ya..sleeping all the time. :)
This is still the same apartment since I came just that we have to re-arrange because we have lots of baby stuffs now and also we gave away all our other furnitures to my inlaws. Just a little more and we'll be done.
Thank you, I'm glad you get to visit me here again.
thank you fufu, I am trying my best to take care of our little one also myself....we're almost finishing up here and looks like I can get more rest after this finally
carver,just a little more...thanks!
We had to stack stuffs because that's the only place without carpet and we were expecting the carpet cleaners to steam and deep clean our flooring. No choice but to dump all things there...besides baby's things are big! lol
Re-arranging and organizing our place feels the same as moving to another place. I guess you have more stuffs than us for neighbors to think you have kids! lol basically those are baby's things from the baby showers =)
Thanks dear, yes almost getting settled.
Mummy Sexy,
Oh no he's not always sleeping...more of always feeding!!! but I agree he's well behaved as long as mommy and daddy pay good attention to him he doesn't fuss around much
Those boxes and stuffs gave me real headache! lol
Glad to hear everything's going well. And it looks like baby is growing quickly! It is amazing how much space baby things can take up.
glad to hear that everything is getting better, and you're slowly getting your peace of mind.. :)