Last Sunday while mommy was busy cooking and daddy watching TV holding me I was trying to tell him something but he was too occupied. Mommy heard me and told daddy I was talking to him and to his surprise daddy saw me doing something. Any guess?
Yes! I discovered my thumb finally! Mommy was trying to teach me where's my thumb whenever she sees me trying to suck my tiny fingers though I know she wouldn't really like me thumbsucking that much. She just finds it cute seeing me struggling with my fingers and she feels bad I couldn't do it right. Daddy exclaimed, "Look he finally found his thumb!" Guess who documented it.... of course mommy! She quickly grabbed the camera and just snapped shots. How about her cooking? Well mommy left it for a while to attend to me and see my discovery. Little do they know I got them hooked to put what they are doing aside and just give me undivided attention! I'm the boss around here =D
adorable as always..
You will learn, not to be in a hurry.
cute cute very cute :)
Baby tends to teach us a thing or two, such as take time to enjoy his presence..He is adorable, Ayie!
A camera should be always be at hand when a bay is around! Don't know what gem we can capture! LOL
oh, he is very cute Ayie, so great to hear his voice the other day when we got a chance to talk.
Hi sweetie, looks like ur having a wonderful time being a Mommy, so glad for u! :)
He is getting cuter by the day, must be great to watch the little one grow and learn his "firsts".. big hugs! :)
Hi Ayie, I'm very late here to congrats you. Your little baby is very cute there! Take care :-)
He is so adorable!! One day you will see him sucking his big toe..hehe.