My little boy loves cats, dogs, bunnies and fishes, as you can see he's having so much fun with the cute kitty. When we played at the backyard kitty was so cute chasing insects flying around.
Dear friends and readers, keeping up with this little munchkin takes practically all my time along with squeezing some home office works and wifey duty. JIF Photo Journal has been long neglected unintentionally, so please excuse the faulty commenting and all other technical issues. I have only been accessing my blogs through mobile and have very limited time to do so. It has been a very stressful and busy October for us that's why I'm taking some comfort writing some blog posts. I want to thank you all for continuously visiting and being part of my journey here in JIFPJ.
{Little J and mommy made a very special Minion gift box for J's buddy. It's made of an old gift box cover & construction papers}