I met Ana Daisy year 2004 when hubs who was just dating me that time asked me if I can go with him to his sister. I went with him and he introduced me to her, through a silent prayer. Yes you're seeing it right, she's already up there watching over us here. My husband loves his sister so much and meeting her was something very meaningful to him. When hubs left 2005 to go back here in US I took over one of things that he always does before during his stay in the Philippines, cleaning and painting the tombstone for his dear little sister. I did that for 5yrs til we left for my migration. I also visit Daisy and put flowers whenever possible and most especially on special dates. I remember coming back sometime April 2007 with hubs before we got married. He told her the good news and asked for her blessings. You might find it silly us talking to a tombstone but for hubs it's something sacred.

Daisy passed away at a very young age and her remains were brought to the Philippines when hubs and his family migrated there after years of living here. They wanted a fresh new start away from the memories they had here. If you remember my post before about Enoc the older half brother for hubs, they both had the same fate. They were taken down by brain tumor and nothing more could be done to save them. With these incidents in the family we got quite alarmed and asked the doctors if it's genetic or hereditary. It scared us for our future generation. We were told anyhow that it's not genetic and how it occurred can't really be explained by science.

It's very unfortunate that people lose their loved ones in a very painful way. Having incurred something that has no cure and no matter how much you fight for your life still you'll fall to the pit. That's why it inspires me whenever I read or come across a story of hope and survival from such illness. How they did it or how it came to happen, I don't know. Just like the book Paul Cross made to inspire all those who have Mesothelioma disease which aims to give hope to those who need it. It discusses about the nature and effects of the disease and how he miraculously overcome the disease. It also suggests how to get mesothelioma lawyer or mesothelioma attorney if you happen to get affected by the disease enabling you to know your rights to get your means in securing procedures for treatments. This is for everybody, for those who wish to see light and hope in times of distress, we just have to believe and keep fighting.
Last Sunday while mommy was busy cooking and daddy watching TV holding me I was trying to tell him something but he was too occupied. Mommy heard me and told daddy I was talking to him and to his surprise daddy saw me doing something. Any guess?
Yes! I discovered my thumb finally! Mommy was trying to teach me where's my thumb whenever she sees me trying to suck my tiny fingers though I know she wouldn't really like me thumbsucking that much. She just finds it cute seeing me struggling with my fingers and she feels bad I couldn't do it right. Daddy exclaimed, "Look he finally found his thumb!" Guess who documented it.... of course mommy! She quickly grabbed the camera and just snapped shots. How about her cooking? Well mommy left it for a while to attend to me and see my discovery. Little do they know I got them hooked to put what they are doing aside and just give me undivided attention! I'm the boss around here =D
Hubs and I wanted to chill out and relax but our weekends required us to do so much things. Last Saturday we finally had the carpet cleaned and we took the chance to get a dining set, couch, recliner and groceries while waiting for the carpet to dry. We were lucky to find good deals that day and surprisingly able to find the major things that we need here at home. Looks like we have our lucky charm with us, in such time frame we finished our shopping deals and got home with an almost dry (slightly damp) carpet. The furnitures were also delivered on time so we were all set to re-arrange and work on baby's crib and changing station.
Saturday was tiring but we felt so accomplished. Sunday was more tiring than Saturday because of all the physical labor lifting, moving and building things. I was up early to start cooking our meals while baby and hubs were still in deep slumber. I made sure I was clear with our meals so I can be ready to help hubs once he starts moving things around. Baby also won't let me cook at times so I need to sneak and do things while I can. Once I hear him scream in a certain way calling out for mommy saying "I want milk" it's totally a panic. My boy is too impatient for me to keep him waiting.
Our Easter Sunday was spent doing housework and too bad we weren't able to go to church. We're still not fully done with our home but only minor things to work on. I am still planning to get some photo frames, lamps and figuring out
where to buy musical instruments so I can check out a piano/organ to add in our abode. Not much on decors because it won't also be safe for baby to be around so much stuffs and once he starts crawling and grabbing things around I'll have to keep all those things.