
Our Boracay experience 3years ago was something very memorable and meaningful both to me and hubs. It was our first travel alone together not only as a regular couple but as husband and wife. It was really fun and relaxing at the same time.

After reading witch's posts about their honeymoon, it made me remember our own paradise escapade. Now that we have our baby next time we go there Jariel will be the one to fully enjoy the experience with mom and dad. Seeing how much he enjoys his tub bath makes me imagine I won't have a hard time introducing the sand and water to him and probably have problems pulling him out of the water instead.

I wish to relive the moments we had in that island years ago but can't really travel yet. We're hoping to come back home for a visit on 2011 but that's not part of our itinerary. We'll be going to other islands there where hubs haven't been to. The nearest experience I can picture right now is to go to a resort in Myrtle Beach. It will also require us to fly since Myrtle Beach Resort is not too near here where we live. The oceanfront Myrtle Beach hotel somehow has a similar feel to the place just laying near the ocean and with its own pool facility. Something I can't find in the other beaches and resorts nearby.

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17 Responses
  1. RNSANE Says:

    Myrtle Beach is nice - so is Pensacola, Florida with its white sand and calmer Gulf of Mexico
    ( as long as no hurricans are pending! ).

  2. Mummy Gwen Says:

    Whoa..sexy mommy. ^_^

  3. Ice Says:

    The water is absolutely beautiful!

  4. Anya Says:

    Beautiful shots so peaceful.......


  5. Anonymous Says:

    Gorgeous pictures of the ocean..It would be nice to have a vacation..

  6. tigerfish Says:

    You sure love islands :)

  7. foongpc Says:

    Hi Ayie sorry didn't drop by your blog for quite some time! Anyway thanks for the sms!

    Btw, r u on Twitter? I am now quite active on Twitter and we can chat on Twitter instead of u sending an sms to me which can be quite costly no?

    I just got myself an iPhone and can tweet anywhere! If you have a smartphone or iPhone, you can do the same. Can tweet instead of posting on your blog which takes time : )

  8. foongpc Says:

    Oh the title of this post- reminds me of the Celine Dion's song! Haha

  9. foongpc Says:

    I want to go Boracay!!!

  10. [SK] Says:

    that is a very nice island!! clear blue sea and sandy white beach, wish i could be there..

    and oh, sexy Ayie posing on the beach~~ :p

  11. Mariuca Says:

    Good morning Ayie, I am here! Wakey wakey!

  12. Mariuca Says:

    Great pics sweetie and now I feel like going to the beach too...actually anywhere will do right now....

  13. Mariuca Says:

    Wanna get away from the blogging nonsense plaguing my life at the mo... I need a vacay!

  14. Mariuca Says:

    Hey, I can see ur comment at my site, how cool that u are there and I am here now he he! hugs! :)

  15. Ayie Says:

    hi marzie! oh yes i am currently reading your blog posts

  16. Ayie Says:

    we want some vacay too but can't really go out too mu yet because of baby

    how are you marzie?

  17. Great pics. Thanks so much for posting.


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