Not everybody wants to have a baby, instead taking care of puppies and dogs becomes their passion. For me and hubs we can consider having pets around but nothing can ever replace the joys of having our own little one. It's true that having a baby is a life changing experience, for some people it can be good but others the other way around.
Over here pets most especially dogs are way over pampered just like babies. That explains why there are even specialized pet supplies stores like their very own grocery stores here. I'm not surprised anymore seeing pet clothes, toys and goodies even in local grocery's pet supplies aisle. One thing that amazed me though are the dental toys and treats for these over pampered pooches which amazingly look like baby's toys. Crazy huh? I never thought puppies and even older dogs have teethers too!
Yes teethers, and to top that off
doggie dental treats like
Nylabone Nubz edible dental chews. It's made of highly digestible natural ingredients, no added preservatives and it helps clean dogs' teeth, promoting healthy gums and fresh breath. I bet all the dog lovers out there who care for their pooches like their very own babies wouldn't mind at all rushing to get some supplies to stock up on these goodies for their pampered pooches. Where to get these goodies? Check out Costco and good news to member because you can get discounts with the Costco monthly coupon book. Supplies won't last that long so better hurry up and grab Nubz while it last!
I mentioned previously about our architecture business undergoing registration process, we're still waiting for the quote and from there we'll know what to do next. We're not really rushing on it but if the process will be fast and efficient then I guess we'll have work double time with the website.
The official website is under construction as we're still working on the plans and models of the houses and other renders that we plan on putting there. We're also reviewing which will be our
web hosting site and if we further need to get
managed hosting and
colocation services. Even online set-up isn't that easy if you don't have the full-time to work on it. Just keeping our fingers crossed and hopefully we'll hear from our contact person soon how much is the registration and when can we really start using the business name legally.
I didn't know what to prepare for dinner yesterday until I remembered having leftovers to finish in the fridge. We had 2 suman or Filipino glutinous rice cake wrapped in banana leaves, a good big slice of garlic bread from a whole loaf and giniling or ground beef casserole cooked with carrots, peas, potatoes and raisins.
I always find ways how to serve leftovers like brand new foods, trying to be creative and innovative with my cooking. I remembered mom frying the suman when it's almost getting stale so I did too. The difference is that she rolls it with sugar after frying and I thought of wrapping it with bacon instead to make it more matching with the leftover bread dish.

Then for the garlic bread I just topped it with giniling and finished the remaining quick melt and mozzarella cheeses I had. Sprinkled some Ancho chili powder and Italian herbs and spices and toasted it. Easy, economical and tasty dinner for us.
Do you like "recycling" or reinventing dishes too from leftovers? Happy weekend!
Yesterday I received a special mail from Malaysia, a cute Cambodia keychain and postcard. Those souvenirs are well-traveled from Cambodia, to Malaysia then here in US. Thanks Foong for sending me my prize for your blog contest/draw. Now I have something to add to my keychain collection.
I was startled with the hard knocking on our door but I couldn't just run for it since I was putting baby to sleep and nursing him. Good thing baby fell asleep just in time and the mailman was patient enough to wait for me. A bit annoyed at first when I rushed to door because I was also trying to sleep same time with baby for a little nap and that just really woke me up. How I wish there are
wall mounted mailboxes for all the units here so some mails, parcels and small packages can be left there if not in the mailbox infront of the building. Though I can't really complain because even if we have a
wall mount mailbox, the mail won't be left there if signature's needed.
I was actually wondering what that mail was until I saw the stamps! I thought I'll just be receiving it like any regular mails but it looks like Foong paid for a better and secured delivery =) Again thanks for the souvenirs, love it!
This is the only summer that we never went to the beach! We are very laid back at home this summer with baby around. It's hard to go on long trips because baby doesn't like being strapped and buckled for a long time. We can't be so lenient with him because we don't want to get in trouble and get cited with ticket for that reason. Also it's so much safer if baby settles down and just stay buckled. It's okay with me staying home as long as baby's with me, I have so much joy taking care of this little boy. He keeps me sane even with the extreme temperature that we're experiencing.

Can you believe it, summer's almost over but all of a sudden a heat wave caused severe hot weather here? Yesterday was terrible with temperature around 98-100F and today 91-94F (that's around 40+C). Terribly hot right? Baby's lucky because mom's package came already and he has "aircool" tanktop (similar to finely netted fabric) which kept him cooler than wearing a shirt. He also has cute little sleeveless tops dad sent him before. Anybody will sweat like a pig being roasted with such heat. We had to make use of all the exhaust fans, electric fans and air cooler at the same time to keep our place in tolerable temperature. It feels so good right now that it's a lot better than yesterday. I can feel a good cool breeze from the window.

We didn't bother going out to do our walk and get some sun anymore. I tried searching on the net with the topic "beating the summer heat" and it lead me to several sites including
http://www.myrtlebeachgolf.net. A lot of
Myrtle Beach golf courses were given together with
Myrtle Beach golf packages. I know golf is something good to do on sunny days but I don't think I'd dare play even some rounds under scorching heat, I might just faint on the grass! Finally after several more searches I got more valuable tips to promote passive cooling at home. I had to apply it right away with whatever we have here to make it work or else it could've been like an oven in here. Oh well it looks like it will be better tomorrow and I have to retire for tonight. Baby's almost waking up for his feeding and I'm getting really sleepy. g'nightie!!
High school was fun and it's where I met my good friends who are still in touch with me up to now. That time also was my training towards my independence in the sense of being capable of doing things on my own and not always relying with mom or dad. Mom raised me to be somehow self-sufficient and resourceful and she always says that I will make use of the knowledge once I settle down. Guess what, mom knows best and I thank her for preparing me in such an early age.

...4th yr HS officers, front row wearing special gala uniform...
can you spot me here?
Back then my only routine was home-school-home. I sometimes take a detour to a mall just to cool off and let the rush hour pass before going home. The only days I get delayed going home were when we had choir practices, volleyball or other school activity related matters. My parents are very strict and aside from that my school's about 1-2hrs commute depending on traffic, my time's being eaten by travel already which can be really tiring.
It's not easy dealing with the commute those days. Whenever it's rainy season getting a ride home is more difficult and I actually experienced flooded days and getting stranded. Where I get my ride isn't a very safe place too most especially for my age at that time so I used to carry a
pepper spray with me. My brother gave it so I can have some immediate protection if badly needed. But not all the time I was commuting, mom picks me up from school too whenever possible and she always comes to my aid even if storming when I get stranded. I cannot thank her enough for all those things she did for me, for always looking after my
We had a recent problem with our car and thank goodness nothing bad happened because hubs was watchful enough to notice that there was something different with the car. One morning after turning on the engine he noticed like the engine feels so airy. He tried observing the following day and still the same thing. He decided to stop using the car so no further damage will be done if it's continuously used knowing something's acting up. His office isn't too far from home so going to work isn't a big deal also he did make use of his father's van temporarily.
We finally talked over what to do with the car and decided to call the mechanic from San Leandro since it's nearer than the
San Francisco auto repair. Hubs asked what could be wrong with the car based on his observations and was told that it could be air leak, radiator or worse gas leak. Asking if it's safe to drive the car in the freeway to bring to the shop, the mechanic told him not to do so as it could be dangerous at that point. Hubs then called for the towing services and to pull the car and we followed behind with the van. The mechanic was nice enough to attend to hubs right away and set aside the
Honda Accord that he's checking at the moment. Good thing we listened to the mechanic and didn't take the risk driving the car anymore because upon his initial assessment after checking the radiator,
timing belt, alternator and the machine it's confirmed, a gas leak!
I can't imagine the danger that it could've possibly been for hubs if he continue to use the car and thank God nothing bad happened and it was detected right away. We always use that car whenever we go out and of course with baby. I have mentioned that we're seriously looking for a vehicle addition but never had our hands on it because work lately has been so much. Up to now we're still looking for models that will also suit our budget.
School is starting earlier than usual and SIL is going back to school on the 23rd. She performed well in school last semester and even received recognition awards. Good thing hubs and SIL was able to accomplish one big project during her summer break which she can make use for her schooling. They made a very good computer unit and she was very much hands on with it. Hubs guided her though the assembly all the way to program installations. That served as their bonding, finally getting to spend some time together after being apart for years. The little girl he was once carrying is now a little lady.
Her computer has been hooked up already and ready for her homeworks. Now she's more confident about doing her researches without having to rely on big brothers since she has her own power computer. Math will be a lot easier too because she can make use of online tutoring. This way all her questions and math deals like acute triangle, line segment, indices, algebraic expressions, diameter of a circle and other mathematical terms will be answered promptly. Learning how to use square footage calculator can be well handled as well. It's good that she can learn from trained tutors who can explain better than any of us who are also too busy doing things and works to worry about her homeworks. Of course we'll still look after her but letting her explore on her own and doing her own thing can pave her road to independence.
Exactly, why not? That's what I said the last time I was there in the bank when I was declined with my credit card application. I don't get it why can't they issue one for me considering me and hubs both have accounts in that bank and we've been there for years already. Not that I badly need to have a credit card but it's good to have something in case of emergency.
...my cutie little J with right expression of how I feel...It all boils down to
credit score and credit report
which can be obtained through
freescore.com. The bank wants to make sure you have good credit history before they even consider your application. It actually upsets me because I have good credit with the credit card that I am using right now. What else do they want? I admit I am not too fond of using credit cards and would rather use my debit to have it deducted directly from my account but for credit building purpose I use my credit card and make sure I pay even earlier before due date in full. So I don't get it what's the big wall hindering them to even look into my application. All I want is to have another card for our future travel purposes. =(
Cooking is like therapy for me, it simply makes me feel good and relaxed. I have been experimenting and creating my own dishes lately and I can be proud to say hubs loves it all. I tend to cook dishes with veggies may it be pasta or meats, even with seafoods. We really want to keep a balanced diet as much as possible. This kind of eating will also influence baby in the future, he will learn how to eat veggies without much fuss if he's well exposed seeing us enjoying eating veggies.
...penne with herbed salami in herbed white sauce...
Italian cooking has a big influence in my cooking lately. I love to use wines for cooking my roasts and pastas which makes me consider getting jk adams wine rack accompanied by jk adams spice rack for my expanding spice varieties. I also better change my stove side rack which often hooks on my clothes when I'm going back and forth the kitchen. The jk adams pot rack can hold my pots and pans better without sliding by and getting hooked to my shirt. But even without these upgrades that I'm thinking of, it can't stop me from cooking anytime I wish to do so.

...chicken and asparagus casserole...
I can't wait to have a bigger kitchen where I can do more things without much space limitations. I plan to get baby involved with mommy in the kitchen as he grows up so he can have better interest with foods and nutrition. This will encourage him to appreciate other foods because he had his hands work on it. This is a better way of introducing foods to the kids, by letting them be involved in the process.

It's good to finally have a vacation and go outdoors. Mammoth Pool is practically our first family outing since baby's born. Baby may be too young to understand and remember this trip but I'm sure he will cherish this experience when he grows up.

Outdoors require skin protection from the sun and insects as well. We made sure we have the necessary skin care products for our trip most especially for baby. The sun causes freckles both for me and hubs and no thanks for age spots as early as this age so we also got our sun screen. We can care less with acne products or moisturizers because sunscreen and insect repellent are the most essential things we need there.

Here are some of the views from our short stop-over on the way to the resort. The lake and dam, woods, pines, snow-caped mountains and set of twin mountains are wonderful sights. We don't get to see much of these views in the city. I don't recommend going to the resort or anywhere within the mountains when darkness falls because there are no street lights and there are sharp curves and turns along the way up and down. It's pitch black at night and you're just lucky to have the moon shining brightly on the clear sky.