Last week I finally received my much awaited package from Lina. I asked her a big big favor before she left for Japan and took my chance to get the cds my husband has been wanting to buy since release. You might not be familiar with the artist Andrew W.K. but my hubs likes this artist so much. I admit I didn't really appreciate AWK much when he made me listen to his first album, I find it quite noisy but his japan Albums are great. Hubs was able to get some of his albums released here but not the one from Japan. He's such a hit in Japan and AWK's the one who made the cover for Gundam Rock, the album for Gundam's 30th anniversary just released this September 9, 2009. When hubs knew about it he told me about the new Japan release and I just told him I'll get him those in time.

Lina at that time was blogging about her nearing trip to Japan so I gathered my guts to email her and ask if I she can get something for me there. I was just taking my chances because there's no way we can travel around until our baby's born and big enough to carry around for long flights. After a while I received an email reply from Lina saying she'll see if she can. I was happy enough to hear from her considering that's the first time I ever emailed her (too think-skin me huh). I didn't want to compromise her at all so I am okay if she gets to find the cds for me. Of course her family will be on vacation and they have their own things to do, that's very understandable.

As we all know Lina was fortunate enough to blog about her Japan trip while they were there. That's also the same time when I received her email saying she'll see in that particular music store if they have the cds. After few more emails she confirmed she got the cds! I was so so so happy to learn about that. I can already imagine how delighted my hubs will be. I was actually shy to ask if it was hard for her to find the cds also because I was so overwhelmed knowing she got 2 of the most important albums Gundam Rock and Japan Premium Collection (includes japan covers & very best so far). Perhaps I should take the opportunity to ask Lina.... "did I give you hard time finding those cds?"

My Birthday gift's a month delayed but worth the wait. It was no secret when Lina got the cds since I had to send my payment of course (I won't mention anymore how much, he's happy and that's more important also promise fulfilled) but the surprise part was not knowing what cds we got for him. I never told him til the day I handed him that package. I actually opened it ahead of him when I picked it up from the post office, I guess I was more excited. It was perfect timing also that same day hubs was doing some overtime and I brought dinner and the package to his office. I knew that will break his stressed mind getting his much awaited cds. Can you see he's so so happy!? He played it right away til we finally left the office by 3am. Nothing beats a gift fresh from Japan and more it traveled all the way to Malaysia before reaching US. Again, Thanks so much Lina for doing this great favor for me. It truly made my husband so happy and me too!
Happy Weekend to all of you! I will be busy later snapping photos for the downtown Halloween Costume Contest and the Halloween Party we'll attend tomorrow. Enjoy your Halloween!!