It's good to finally have a vacation and go outdoors. Mammoth Pool is practically our first family outing since baby's born. Baby may be too young to understand and remember this trip but I'm sure he will cherish this experience when he grows up.
Outdoors require skin protection from the sun and insects as well. We made sure we have the necessary skin care products for our trip most especially for baby. The sun causes freckles both for me and hubs and no thanks for age spots as early as this age so we also got our sun screen. We can care less with acne products or moisturizers because sunscreen and insect repellent are the most essential things we need there.
Here are some of the views from our short stop-over on the way to the resort. The lake and dam, woods, pines, snow-caped mountains and set of twin mountains are wonderful sights. We don't get to see much of these views in the city. I don't recommend going to the resort or anywhere within the mountains when darkness falls because there are no street lights and there are sharp curves and turns along the way up and down. It's pitch black at night and you're just lucky to have the moon shining brightly on the clear sky.

Nice view, Ayie.
You really brought little J to this place? :D
Such splendid views. So nice when you travel as a family with baby around too.
Breathtaking views. Nice photos, Ayie ganda.
It is so good to have a vacation and for some great views.
beautiful shots, Ayie.
Hi Ayie!! :) How are you?
The pictures are amazing! The lake and the mountains.. simply breathtaking!
what a perfect getaway. incredibly gorgeous shots.