Oooops, nothing explicit here so just read along to know what it's all about.

Since giving birth and coming back home with our baby many changes happened most especially with my schedule. Now I have to fit my work, house chores and other things with baby's schedule. Of course baby comes first, he needs all the love and proper care for him to be healthy and grow up well.

Before I used to just worry about cooking our meals, cleaning the apartment, prepare hubs' things & lunch and do my works. It's practically a routine for me even going out to do grocery and all. Now that baby's here I have been confined at home and only time we go out is to have him get some sun in the morning and when we go with daddy to do things around. I also can't do all the cooking, cleaning and works on a specific schedule. My schedule and time revolves around baby now. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining =)

I can say what I've learned through the past 2months is how to master the art of "QUICKIE". Quickie because I have to do all things faster than usual so when I hear baby calling out on mommy I can just go and rush to his needs. I used to cook leisurely, as you all know I love to cook but I do quick meals now. I don't use instant foods or ready refrigerated meals, I cook from scratch so it still makes me wonder how I can come up with the same old dishes in such time. Even with bathing I have to do it quick too most especially when baby's not in deep slumber. He feels whenever mommy's out of bed and not in the room so he wakes himself and calls me to either just be with him or feed him.

It's challenging being a mom and a wife at the same time. I want to make sure I provide the best for my baby and still be able to take care of the big daddy. Right now since the extended family's move I get to manage my time more too. I take care of baby the 24/7 and get to sneak working on my projects and sidelines when he sleep during the day. My cooking, home organizing and cleaning happens every night again when he's sleeping soundly. I usually wait for his midnight feeding then when all my chores are done that's when I sleep finally. I still wake up for baby's feeding overnight about 2-3 times and by 5am at least start preparing breakfast for me and hubs. I am happy that I can do all these things, it's hard but do-able. I try to take care of myself too because only that way I can provide well for my baby and husband. I get to sleep with baby sometime in the morning or afternoon for extra 2hrs. So there's a quickie sleep for me too =)

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6 Responses
  1. mimi Says:

    all i can say is..GOOD JOB!!!hahaha learned a lot from this post.i am also a very slow cook. i will take my own sweet time to prepare basic dishes..haha guess i have to try to speed things up for future betterment!;p

  2. lina Says:

    Baby miss his Mom too much to be apart for long. :D

  3. Anya Says:

    I come eat at your place
    it looks so Y_U_M_M_I_E_ :))))))
    Big hug for your baby

    Kareltje =^.^=
    Anya :-)

  4. Anonymous Says:

    If those are quickie dishes, I want the recipes! I'm all for quickie cooking!

  5. Mariuca Says:

    LOL it's okay to "complain" once in a while, you're doing a great job too from the looks of things so yay! :)

  6. Mummy Gwen Says:

    Ayie, you are managing your family and house very well. I'm impressed. You are doing great. Take care, ganda.

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