It's been a week since the move happened but up to now we're still not settled here in our place. Not that we stopped moving and doing things but we're still waiting for the carpet cleaners to do their job. We really want to start anew here and cleaning everything for our baby is just the way to do it. We're still working on our goal to get our own house but for the meantime we have to continue staying here for economical reasons.

This apartment may be old and poorly insulated but having it located in a very good neighborhood plus walking distance to downtown area, what more can we ask for? It's just unfair with the management that they raised the rent without doing any upgrade for the units or maintenance. Also since the economy dropped many tenants left and they advertised the open units with a price lower than what we pay now. That's just so unfair!

I looked through other apartment units not only here in our area just to check how much is the rent and so far in our area we have the best rate. To my surprise apartments in North Carolina have very good rates which can never be seen around here not even in Oakland or San Jose. People who live in NC apartments are lucky to have such rent rates most especially with this so-so economy. I can say I am happy where we are even if how many times I compare North Carolina apartments and our old little place. Somehow I feel at home here. To think it's not that bad since if we really talk of expensive places then I can bet our rent is even better than San Francisco and the east coast area.

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6 Responses
  1. Tekkaus Says:

    As long as you guys are happy. Nothing else matters. :D A home is where all of you feel warm. :)

  2. iamthewitch Says:

    Are you going to show us pictures of your new home?? :)

  3. lina Says:

    the important thing now is I think, that you have your own space and privacy.

    Can't you negotiate for a lower rate after this? How long is your lease?

  4. rainfield61 Says:

    A new home for a 2 months old cute baby!?

  5. fufu Says:

    yeah... you have to include the post with couples of pictures of your new home ya :) probably next time

  6. Ayie Says:

    HI everybody!! Even if it's not a new place yet for all of us it feels like it since it's a new begiunning for all of us. I wanted to put some pictures here but never had the chance, baby was calling mommy already =P

    I will show post photos when I finish re-arranging and cleaning up here. Thanks!

    lina, hubs has been here for the past 4yrs

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