The first picture is the Manila Bay Sunset and the other one is the Floating Restaurant. That day we decided to relax and go there in CCP complex (Cultural Center of the Philippines) to play badminton, bike and stroll by the breakwater. Being at work the entire week was really tiring so we made time to unwind and discussed our future plans. The lights from the floating restaurant was already lit and people started going there. It felt like time passed by so fast and it's already sunset. Looking at that beautiful horizon completed our day, eating some barbeque and pizza by the bay. That short day we had eased our stressed mind and body.

the restaurant is as bright as if it was daytime. love the awesome shot of the sky! :D
Looks like a lovely way to spend the day.
I got lucky that I was able to have a good shot with my basic camera phone. photos were a bit enhanced due to poor lighting that's why the restaurant looks so bright. If you look at it though being located in the middle of the dark night waters, it glows. Thanks Levian!
Hi Kawaii Crafter! Thanks for the visit. The day was lovely and very memorable. That was one of our "planning days" back then. I'd love to do the same thing again given the chance, just spending a lovely day relaxing.
The first photo is beautiful, and the second one is like a palace! Beautiful, Ayie!
It's the place where we just stay to relax for the whole afternoon, beautiful sight of sunset...the manila sunset!