We're finally back here in US and as usual work's waiting for us already. I wanted to blog even before leaving Philippines but we didn't have enough time to do so and as soon as we came here too much unpacking and other things to do. Our trip was intended for a good vacation break but there were some things that we had to handle which required work. Since I already gave you a glimpse of us leaving San Francisco I'll start with our first day in the Philippines.

We arrived around 3:40am about 2hrs earlier than expected arrival time. I had to stay up the whole flight to really watch over baby and make sure he's comfortable. He was such a good boy and we're very lucky that he didn't really fuss much during the flight. Thanks also to the lady seated next to us who's very nice, she gave me a good space to move baby around and made my nursing very much comfortable and easier. 12hrs+ straight flight was a bit of a challenge for us and good thing there's a good selection of movies to see on board. I watched SALT and DESPICABLE ME while hubs enjoyed INCEPTION and other movies. At some point we both watched over his screen JUST FOR LAUGHS before landing to our destination.

Mom and dad were already there in the airport waiting for us. Instinctively as we were going down the escalator I looked at the glass wall across and instantly saw my dad waving at us. Mom and dad were waiting patiently as we exited the airport doors and that's the first time they ever held baby J. Dad took him from my arms without baby J pushing, fussing and hesitation. Mom didn't have any trouble holding baby as well, he's very much behaved. Baby was supposed to sleep on our way home but he was so amazed with the lights around the Manila bay area so he ended up making a lot of cute noises in the car. Just before heading home we had a quick stop to eat breakfast in a Pares place. Hubs was so happy to eat his favorite beef pares with rice and savory soup.

Finally we reached home and baby met the rest of the family. He had the chance to play a little with tita Jeng (my sister) before going to work. We didn't get to really rest on our first day there because baby was so hyped and Elisse also was overwhelmed that she requested I bring her to school and pick her up. I think I'll cut our first day here for now and continue on the next post. It's such a very long day for us and this post might bore you to death after reading paragraphs after paragraphs.

**I had to improvise with the photos by taking snap shots of the videos we took. All of the first set of photos we took were transferred to the PC there and we didn't get to copy the files anymore. Still waiting for mom to go online to ask her for the photos =)**
Everyone must have been waiting for you guys to arrive. Love Jariel's smile in the first photo.
Hope there'll be more updates soon, AYie. :)
LIttle JOrdan is all grown up already huh! :D
they must be thrilled to have you guys back for a visit.
baby looked like he had great fun!
still adjusting my body clock and hopefully I can blog updates soon enough =)
mine's little jariel and yours little jordan! lol
your boy's all grown too...he's grown so much over the months too!
baby enjoyed the most and I feel bad that he's missing his ate elisse and the rest of the family
Good to know that you had a nice trip back!
welcome home, and i see you really had a wonderful break back in Manila huh, and even baby Jariel looks so excited.. :)
Mabuhay !
welcome back to US ayie, am sure you had such a wonderful time back home.
Sounds like a wonderful reunion.. and is this the first time ur parents got to meet ur baby??
I'm sure u are glad to be home too... it's a long journey back to US right? Enjoy settling back into ur routine... take time unpacking but not too long.. can u believe I still haven't totally unpacked from my London days? Ahahahahaha!
Have a wonderful weekend, hugs! :)