Now that baby's born we have another deal to handle, insurance. Here everything works with insurance and if you don't have that, for sure you'll have to fork out big bucks to pay for such services. Last night we had an appointment for baby's pedia and it's a follow up check on his weight and other stats. We were left with quite a dilemma because the insurance took longer than expected and we have to pay fees from our pockets. We honestly won't mind because it's for baby but the fact that it won't be reinbursed to us is quite annoying. That alone can cost us about $250 or more in which we already mailed in and handled the things that they required to have it done.
So far baby's doing good and feeding well. The doctor highly recommended just breastfeeding and no-no to formulas. It was a painful experience going through the (induced) labor (perhaps details later on why), delivery, recovery and breastfeeding. It's all worth it though, we're blessed with a very handsome boy!
As for our insurance deals, we are checking out other options so we can assure baby's well insured and there won't be problems with his check ups and all. Also another big step we are looking forward this year is getting our own place, to finally buy our house here. Even before we had baby out we were going through all those insurance matters. We came across Podmaska with nice Insurance Providence, RI, Business Liability Providence, RI, Renters Insurance Providence, RI offers but in Providence area.
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Awww...so cute your little angel Ayie. Hopefully you can sort out the insurance thingy asap. :)
The baby smiles in the last picture.
Don't say no!! I see that.
He's sooooo cute, AYie!
I wanna kiss and hug him!!! :)
He is beautiful, I mean handsome, Ayie!
I never did like to deal with insurance company..Hope you are taking care of yourself too.
Congratulations on your new baby boy Ayie! He's beautiful... :)
He is so cute and handsome, Ayie. Take care and rest well.
soooooooooooo cute.. can i hug n smell him? i love the scent of newborn baby..
Thanks for the beautiful picture
He is so BEAUTIFUL :-)
I hope its also going okay with you Ayie
and also your hubby ...... LOL
Enjoy !!!!
yes, i agree with you, nothing comes more important than your handsome boy right now yeah?? well, parents, enjoy your sleepless nights~~ :p
I have gone over and over these pictures of your beautiful son. Reminds me so much of my oldest
( now 39 ). Time goes by so fast, Ayie, so treasure every single moment! I look forward to watching him grow up via the internet though, at 65, I am not sure how many years God has planned for me to continue on this earth!! I hope I can see the arrival of one grandchild. My middle son marries May 7th so I told them to get to work as soon as possible. They've already been together 5 years so I think Laura has gone off birth control already!!
Congratulations, he is adorable and these pictures are so sweet!
God bless you all
Léia and Luna
Oh my goodness, the baby has arrived. Such a cute one too. About the insurance thingy it is of no consequence if you look at it from a long term perspective. Eventually everything will sort themselves out. You just take good care of yr baby n take a much needed rest to recuperate
I am still excited after looking at the baby :) I am so happy for you :) and yr hubby of coz :) hehe
Congrats on your bundle of joy!! :)
awww.... he's such a handsome boy!
*kiss kiss*
Cannot resist. :D
Big hug for the baby
Congrats! He is very handsome! Hug from Uncle Pete!
Good decision to arrange early insurance for him!
your baby is so cute!!!! cant wait to see more pictures of him =p hohoho
oh Ayie, your baby is so handsome and cute. Sorry to hear about that expense, it's all worth it, I hope you find a good insurance soon.
How wonderful to know that baby has just arrived in time to celebrate Valentine's Day with you. Breastfeeding is a good choice. You will never regret it. Now is the time to take many pictures of baby because he grows very fast especially during the first month, so maybe you need to take weekly pictures for your srcapbook/record. I am still keeping a copy of my baby's tiny foot print. I used lipstick in place of stamp pad ink. Happy Valentine's Day, Ayie :)
You have a cute baby...he looks like an angel !
Awwwww, how precious! he's such an adorable baby. i could even smell the baby's fragrance from here. :)
glad both of you are doing well. my best wishes.
Congratulations Aiye! The pictures of your baby are just precious.
Congrats, Ayie! Your baby is sooooo cute!! I hope I did not bother you with my sms in the middle of the night! Forgot about the time zone! LOL! : )
Weeee, the insurance is ok now! We just received the activation letter today =)
I love those shots, he's smiling =)
come here and give my boy a hug... perhaps mommy too! haha
as much as i hate insurance stuffs we have to deal with it because it's needed
thanks for my baby's compliments!
Hi Ayie! I love the last pic of ur baby especially, he is so tiny! ANd oh so cute! :):):)
I can only imagine the many responsibilities u now have with ur new baby.. so much to do..but so worth it right? Hugs!