Since baby came earlier than expected I never had the chance to blog about the promised baby shower I had. I didn't have just one shower but two! One was hosted by my husband's office secretary in her place. It was last January 22 dinner time and we were so overwhelmed with the number of people who came. Only a few missed it but they were so thoughtful to still give baby something. It was the usual office pot luck but being the celebrant we weren't required (and I was specifically told not to bring anything) to bring anything for the pot luck. We all pig out that night, it was such a feast with all the delicious dishes prepared, pastas, salads, breads, sausages and tons of drinks. The affair started with dinner and had a little break which gave room for some chit chats then later on gift opening preceded and finale was desserts. I think it took me and hubs an hour to open gifts, for such a number of people we surely got so much stuffs! We are very thankful for everything, up to now thinking of that great night makes me all smiley. =)

The other baby shower was just last February 7, Superbowl! We didn't announce to anybody that baby came out already and just decided to show up there with baby. Everybody was like "Is that your baby? OMG, you gave birth already!" At first we hesitated about going and thought of canceling it because baby's still so fresh at 7days and traveling that far might not be a very good thing for him. After so much thoughts, we just went for it considering people already committed their time for that day as invitations were already sent out to them. The baby shower was held in Round Table Pizza and the food was just great! Weeee, i was able to eat without having to check my blood sugar anymore. No painful finger pricking and food measurement!

You can tell from my title how blessed our little boy is. He was really showered with so much blessings. We can't thank these people enough for the love and thoughtfulness. One of my favorite gift is the knitted blanket given by the party hostess. I feel so much love with that gift! Of course we love everything and baby really got a lot of clothes. I am also thankful to my parents and bestfriend who sent us packages for baby's stuffs. Too bad I don't have much photos to show all the great gifts we got for baby right now but for sure you'll get to see all those clothes and things on my next posts.

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9 Responses
  1. Tekkaus Says:

    Wow...so many pressies for you and babies. :D

  2. Mariuca Says:

    The food looks great and so many gifts sweetie! By the way Jariel is an awesome name! :)

  3. Mariuca Says:

    I like the knitted blankey too! ;)

  4. Pete Says:

    Baby is out...time to eat everything...yum yum! LOL!

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Looks like you had fun, Ayie! And Jariel is lucky baby with 2 shower parties..

  6. [SK] Says:

    you sure is a popular mama amongst friends and your little prince is so loved by them all!! one hour non-stop unwrapping the presents, i can imagine the load.. :p

  7. levian Says:

    there are so many present for you n the baby! you guys are showered with love, lots n lots of them. :)

  8. Mummy Gwen Says:

    Wow..so many gifts for baby Jariel. He is a lucky baby. :D Take care, Ayie.

  9. Diane AZ Says:

    The food, friends and gifts looks like fun! Baby Jariel is lucky to be showered with so much love!

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