
Last week hubs surprised us coming home during lunch time and of course me and baby were so happy but something came up last Tuesday that gave him quite a trouble going back to office good thing it's only about 10-15mins walking distance from home. As h waved bye to us from the window I noticed I haven't heard the car start and leave so I checked on him and he said the car won't start! The day wasn't so good as it was raining and very windy. My poor husband had to walk to his office. We don't know what went wrong because the battery has been changed and he even went to places before going home. Later on in the evening he told the issue to his father and as soon as it was checked, the trouble was known to be the starter. It already broke down and has to be replaced already.

It was pretty much frustrating since we were starting to enjoy nice lunchtime all together here at home and him having a little extra time being with our little boy. We have been planning to get another car but due to economic circumstances it's been delayed for a while. We are trying to secure everything first before taking the plunge with another big expense. That day I decided to look up once again for some car models like toyota corolla, honda crv, isuzu rodeo and came across chevy cobalt, mercedes benz cl-class, bmw 5 series and other high end cars. Of course not going after those pricey rides but boy...those are good looking cars!
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11 Responses
  1. rainfield61 Says:

    Hello Ayie, forget about the car. Your baby looks cute.

    Happy a nice day.

  2. lina Says:

    Yeah, forget about the car.
    We only look at your baby's photos. :)

    He looks so calm in your hubs arms.

  3. Mummy Gwen Says:

    Baby is so cute. ^_^ Luckily, Hubby's office is walking distance from your house.

  4. Elaine Yim Says:

    Yes, I agree. Your baby is much more captivating than any car. Such a cute little darling!

  5. Tekkaus Says:

    Awww....your baby is so cute. Get a Malaysian Myvi. :p

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Having a car is having constant troubles! My problem was the battery..

  7. Ayie Says:

    Rainfield & Lina,

    Who do you think he looks like? Mom or dad? hehe

  8. Ayie Says:

    Mummy Sexy,

    That's really good...=)

  9. Ayie Says:

    Autumn Belle,

    totally agree!

  10. Ayie Says:


    Will thin about it! hehe

  11. Ayie Says:


    That's what happened before...so much trouble

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