I keep my little boy active and I see to it he gets to play outdoors most of the week. We usually head out every morning to different parks and playgrounds. I try to bring him to different places whenever we go out so he won't be too used with just one play area, also for him to meet some other kids. Exploring different playgrounds and trying all other outdoor play toys contribute so much to his development.
It's given that big boys like cars and so does my little one. In one of the indoor playgrounds we frequently visit, he loves to play in the cars. He'll just keep hopping in and out then go running all around. It's fun to see him so active. It takes a toll on my stamina having to chase him but I am enjoying our mommy-baby time. He's growing up so fast that in time he wouldn't want to be chased anymore.
Right now we are enjoying the simple running chase but soon enough he'll be able to ride those tricycle and balance bikes, mommy will have to ride along with him. I am not rushing for that time but I can't also wait for that to happen! I love being out and about with my boy and playing with him gives me so much joy.
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Cars are always facinating for children. Nce article.
Wow! He gets cars! :p
Omg omg... too cute ... too cute!
Cute! Little boy can run around already.....