
Baby just turned 7mos yesterday and we had a little mommy-baby bonding outdoors. I brought baby out to enjoy the swing near daddy's office (the best part is baby can see daddy before going home anytime we go there). We even met other babies there enjoying the warm day. That's the second time we're in that swing park, I tried introducing it to baby last Friday when he had his doctor visit. This is the time I've been long waiting for, baby's finally sitting up and can really support his neck and head good. I've been wanting to bring him out there and just see other kids too and have good quality time outdoors with mommy too.

Seeing baby grow this much makes me more and more eager to bring him back home to experience other fun things there, meet some kids to play with and of course have a little time with my family. Mom and dad will come here but not just yet, they have many things to settle most especially with work before they get to have long vacation. Mom told me that there are many cheap flights and prices for international airfares are really lower than usual but even if there will be available flights which we can afford right now, there's no way we're flying this soon. Baby's not yet ready for a very long trip plus it's the rainy season there and it's quite dangerous. Well, time is really passing by so fast soon enough baby will be ready and we'll all go for a good vacation.

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19 Responses
  1. lina Says:

    Jariel is so chubby. Want to pinch pinch him*^_^*

    He's grown so fast Ayie!

  2. Ayie Says:

    I know Lina...as if he's growing so much every single day! One lady even mentioned "he's growing like a weed". We're even asking him not to grow so fast because we want to have and enjoy our little baby.LOL

  3. levian Says:

    i bet he will be ready to travel with you pretty soon.
    they really grow too fast within a short period of time. :)

  4. ayie Says:


    Growing up so fast, no doubt about it.

  5. suituapui Says:

    Ooooo...so cute, your baby!!! Wanna pinch the cheeks. LOL!!!

  6. Tekkaus Says:

    He is sitting already. And he can play swing already! Wow! :D

  7. Carver Says:

    Adorable shots of your beautiful baby.

  8. rainfield61 Says:

    You have a cute baby.
    I had as well, but both of them are now very very very very very baby.

  9. ohmigod, it's so cute!He is adorable in these pictures and you are always beautiful sweet Ayie!
    God bless you all

  10. Autumn Belle Says:

    Fresh air is good for baby and mom.

  11. Mummy Gwen Says:

    Cute baby Jariel. :) Your Hubby's office must be very near your house. I love the photo of mommy and baby.

  12. fufu Says:

    swing swing swing... soo fast he could swing already... hahahah :) good! really grow up fast ya!

  13. how precious! i particularly love the shot of you and baby.

  14. Tes Says:

    Hi Ayie, he has grown so fast! Adorable mom and baby photo! Nice to know you guys had some outdoor fun! :)

  15. Diane AZ Says:

    He really enjoys the swing, adorable pictures!

  16. Anonymous Says:

    He is getting so cute and big! Swing brings out a very cute smile on his face.

  17. Bengbeng Says:

    Ayie, this is so sweet. Hugs for the little one from Uncle Bengbeng

  18. [SK] Says:

    hahaha look baby jariel is so happy on the swing!! he really look very very adorable in the first photo... :)

  19. mimi Says:

    so nice to see u both enjoying ur time there..have fun!its good to play outside.

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