One of my oldest blog, The Real Paying Online Surveys was all of sudden removed in blogger and without any notice I was clueless. I panicked after trying to retrieve it several times and all I got was an email stating it's a spam blog. Oh dear, I was so furious because I put a lot of effort and work on that blog. That was actually created as my first attempt in blogging. I was hoping to share some money earning tips for those who rely on online resources and having it deleted from blogger truly saddened me. Hubs told me it was a robot thing routine checking blogs and that he has appealed to have it back. It took awhile but it was eventually restored.

Imagine your blog being deleted all of a sudden and there's no warning or whatsoever before you even know it, it's gone! This happening made us think how we can prevent such thing from happening again. It felt terrible so it was an eye opener for us to consider web hosting. It would be best for us to have our own domains and our sites hosted. This way we wouldn't be worrying about losing it anymore. Though everything is still in black and white, we are not cleaning our slate about the idea. Hubs is still checking webhosting options, once he gets to nail down his choice then we're off to our goal. I honestly don't know much about those hosting stuffs so I'm leaving hubs the decision and final say on it.
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2 Responses
  1. Tekkaus Says:

    So sorry to hear that they deleted your blog without prior notice huh! They should have at least given you some time to rectify some matters. :(

  2. I have a shock when I heard this. Gosh. I cannot imagine having my blog deleted. Glad you got it back.

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