
Happy WW!

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63 Responses
  1. Cafe au Lait Says:

    He is such a handsome boy. Happy WW!

    Mine are here and here.

  2. Stan Says:

    That's a great shot. It pays to keep your eyes open for the unique details in a scene.

  3. Waiting for whom? He looks a little sad but he is handsome.

  4. Ayie Says:

    Cafe au Lait,

    That's why I couldn't resist snapping his photo. Thanks for the visit! Happy WW!

  5. Ayie Says:


    Thanks Stan! I was drawn by his radiant look.

  6. Ayie Says:

    Simply Delicious,

    He's waiting for his turn to for the fun rides =) The line was long and I think he's sad that he still has a far way to go. Thanks for the visit!

  7. CARMEN Says:

    Hello Ayie, happy Wordless Wednesday to you too!

  8. Ayie Says:


    Hi carmen! Happy WW!

  9. This is very striking I love the colours and the soft blur which focus on the boys face. Super!

  10. Heidi Says:

    This is such a perfect title for this picture. You've captured it perfectly. I love the bright colors and the soft focus around the edges of the photo. Very well done.
    If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.

  11. tigerfish Says:

    What is he waiting for? ;p

  12. Ayie Says:


    Thanks for you very nice compliments =) you made me smile!

  13. Ayie Says:


    Oh dear I was there before you came here, saw your pretty girl. Lovely photo too!

  14. Ayie Says:


    He's waiting for his ride, it's along line. It was taken in a theme park =)

  15. Vixen Says:

    What a great shot, his expression is so serious. Like he has to work so hard to be patient and wait?

  16. XoXo Says:

    It's a cool photo Ayie, I like the soft tones you've done with it...btw, the photo of the beach you were asking was taken in Panglao Island, Bohol. Thanks for the visit...

  17. Ayie Says:

    jams o donnell,

    a cutiepie that's why I sneaked capturing this shot! hehe

  18. Ayie Says:


    He's way behind and the line was too long, I think every kid will be so eager to get into his ride in the theme park =)

  19. Ayie Says:


    Hi Pacey, thanks for the visit! So that's in Panglao! I went there too when i had my cebu bohol island hopping =) ages ago

  20. Diane AZ Says:

    Beautiful image! I love the softness, makes it look like he's deep in thought.

  21. levian Says:

    what a nice shot, he looked intense. felt like he was staring at something without realizing. :)

  22. Tekkaus Says:

    War...who is this good looking lad? :p

  23. Carver Says:

    I love this shot and a great title for it too.

  24. SandyCarlson Says:

    Absolutely perfect. What an intense face.

  25. He may be waiting, but my first thought was - Huck Finn! Love the colors, very handsome boy! Happy WW!

  26. Indrani Says:

    Terrific shot!
    A speaking picture.

  27. lina Says:

    Lovely shot Ayie. :)

  28. Donna Says:

    wahhhhhhhh.... that kid is so pretty!!!

  29. Bengbeng Says:

    a beautiful poignant shot

  30. hi Ayie. What is he waiting for?

  31. ladyviral Says:

    handsome young boy! Lovely angle of the shot... what is he waiting for? :)

  32. Gena Says:

    Gorgeous picture, nicely captured!! happy WW? Gena

  33. That's a beautiful photo, Ayie! The colors are just awesome!

  34. Ingrid Says:

    Very colorful waiting ! Beautiful !

  35. wenn Says:

    patiently waiting..

  36. Jessica Says:

    great effect, happy WW!!!

  37. Ayie Says:


    He's probably thinking why is it taking too long for the line to move and will he ever get to ride! Thanks for the visit!

  38. Ayie Says:


    Imagine yourself being so excited getting into a theme park ride and you are way way behind the line? That explains why he's so intense.

  39. Ayie Says:


    I have no idea Tekkaus who is that boy because it was just a stolen shot! hihihi I was even so sneaky coz his parents were just beside him. I couldn't resist that handsome face! Take note, i was 3mos prego that time already so it's good to look at pretty faces! hehehe

  40. Ayie Says:


    Thanks Carver, he's patiently waiting for his turn and his facial expression just says it so too.

  41. Ayie Says:


    Thanks! I appreciate your visit!

  42. Ayie Says:


    Thanks Sandy =)

  43. Ayie Says:

    Canine Crusader,

    happy WW! such a handsome face to miss so I took the opportunity =)

    Oh yeah huck finn! nice imagination.

  44. Ayie Says:


    I like his facial expression so focused, no words needed to feel his thoughts.

  45. Ayie Says:


    thank you lina!

  46. Ayie Says:


    And I stared at him long enough, maybe my baby if it's a boy will have some of his looks! haha

  47. Ayie Says:

    Bengbeng, It's indeed full of feelings =)

  48. Ayie Says:


    Hello! He's waiting for the line to move so he can finally ride the train cart in the theme park =P

  49. Ayie Says:


    His ride my dear. We're in the theme park and he's way behind the line.

  50. Ayie Says:


    Yes happy WW to you too! Thanks for dropping by =)

  51. Ayie Says:


    The bright colors and his fair skin simply glowed together =) thanks icy!

  52. Ayie Says:


    And he truly waited patiently =) A very behaved boy!

  53. Ayie Says:


    happy WW! thanks =)

  54. Ayie Says:


    He's so adorable, such a cutie boy!

  55. Robin Says:

    What a sweetheart, he looks so serious.

  56. Ayie Says:


    He's such a cutie! Thanks for the visit!

  57. levian Says:

    ah, no wonder. so i assumed what he had been staring so hard at would be the ride that he will be going for. you are good at observing people! :)

  58. Ayie Says:


    well how can you not notice such a lovely face?

  59. At least he's waiting patiently! What a cutie! :)

  60. Ayie Says:

    Blessings Abound,

    Thanks for your visit =) I agree, he's such a cutie!

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