Some people are very gifted when it comes to numbers just like these people that I will be "exposing" here today! I didn't manage to get photos of other known Mathematicians in the family and I think these 3 peeps are enough for this post =P
This big boy is my godson & 2nd cousin who was our ring bearer also for our wedding. He's a very smart boy who competes in math olympiads and always have good grades in school and always on the honor roll's top place.

My sis (like her gown? I designed that! hehehe), my bridesmaid and the youngest of us 3 siblings. She's the most gifted with math! She also used to compete during her elementary years. Now she's a newly registered engineer! Yey!!!

Lastly, my aunt who's my mom's cousin. She's a math teacher and she's the one who really practiced my godson (above) with math (his mom and aunt are sisters). Too bad she's abroad now but I can tell she left such a good imprint of math skills to her nephew.
I used to love math when I was young but I outgrew it too! (lol) I remember how it was to always go by the books to study and patiently listen to the teacher during classes. No online math tutoring available before unlike today just a few clicks away with your keyboard ad you'll find online tutoring for almost all subjects.
Thinking of some math help now? You may check out Tutornext which provides one-on-one online lessons for mid & college students. May it be as simple as checking math problems & math answers all the way to precalculus help, statistics help or chemistry help, name it they got it covered! Rates are convenient and affordable and students can connect to a tutor as often as needed 24/7.
Thinking of some math help now? You may check out Tutornext which provides one-on-one online lessons for mid & college students. May it be as simple as checking math problems & math answers all the way to precalculus help, statistics help or chemistry help, name it they got it covered! Rates are convenient and affordable and students can connect to a tutor as often as needed 24/7.
That's a lovely gown you designed Ayie.
My mind doesn't work well with Maths. Needless to say, I suck at the subject. LOL
i am not that good with math even until today, but fortunately, my mum is great with maths n she helped me through my schooling years, thus i managed to have good grades for my maths related subjects. ah, so this is the sister you mentioned that graduated a little earlier. a sweet gown you designed there, ayie. ;)
maths was once one of my favourite subject in school.. i especially enjoyed the calculus class in my secondary school, because the teacher was really good in teaching.. but guess i have given all back to her, haha :D
your design is very beautiful Ayie, and so is your sister, and your family. I think your family is blessed in Math, one just has wider opportunities to choose from when Math is in his side.
I love your sister's gown. You did a good job designing it.
I used to dislike Maths when I was in primary school, now I teach Maths to secondary students. :P
Hello dear friend,
Beautiful post, you have a blessed family!
I need to confess that unfortunately I'm not talented about Math , I always prefer arts! :)
That gown is fabulous, you are also very talented and creative!
War...the brainies in your family aye Ayie. :p I'm not good in math. But my bro is.
great! merry xmas!
That's a beautiful dress you designed. Great to have mathematical talent in your family.
I love maths too! In fact, I preferred maths compared to any other wordy subjects. :) And Love your sis' gown! designed the gown? Very nice Ayie! You are very talented.
A family of Math geniuses huh...hehe. My fav subject is Math too.
You too are a great designer.
your children will probably b just as gifted. :)
A Merry Jolly Christmas & A Swell 2010 New Year!
Hi sweetie, it looks like u have lots of geniuses in the family...
Let's hope the Math gene rubs off on ur baby YAY!
I love the dress u designed for ur sis! :)
Merry Christmas
and a Happy & Healthy 2010
for you and your whole family :-)
Enjoy your Holidays...
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :-)
Wow! All maths genius! You must be one too! I'm not that good with maths. Except when counting how much people owe me. Haha!
But i find that whatever maths I learnt in school does not apply to my daily life and my job so well, no big deal to me, haha! Anyway I carry a calculator with me so good enough! : )
Wow! You are so talented! Can design gown for your sis too! And it looks splendid! *salute*
Hi foong! I was so personal with my wedding that I wanted everything most esp the entourage with my personal touch. I designed all the gowns even mine =) Thnaks for your salute! hehe
Inspiring to see such talented people! I love the gown you designed, it is gorgeous. :)
Thanks diane!