
This might be helpful for those who are into concerts, sports events or even theaters. Have you heard about ACheapseat.com? This site is great because here you can find good deals on premium tickets everyday. It's very competitive to other online ticketing companies. This new year has a lot of good shows and sporting events, it would be best to enjoy all those with a little savings on the side for our tickets purchase. Me and hubs usually get good deals when it comes to tickets, we get to enjoy the shows plus it's more practical for our budget.

If you are a basketball fan and rooting for Lakers, You can check out the Los Angeles Lakers tickets for their games starting this January 3. Of course this favors all basketball fans out there but if you prefer to see other sports like football, baseball, golf and tennis you can also check out schedules and details. For those who are concert enthusiasts most especially teens who are just so crazy with the new teen icon, Taylor Swift tickets are already available for her upcoming tours and concert starting this February. Not to forget those who like the "grown up" boys, Jersey Boys tickets are also available. Almost all musical genre has specific bands and solo performers on tour like Elton John, Metallica, U2, John Mayer, Michael Buble, BEP & more. But if I were to choose which concert to go I think it's cool to attend the U2 and BEP concerts. I'm not much on watching ringside sports events so it's out of my list, only once in a while. I enjoy theaters more and concerts.

How about you? Any preference?

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12 Responses
  1. This is a good site to check for tickets of all occasions..

  2. wenn Says:

    i love theaters n concerts too.

  3. levian Says:

    i enjoyed going for shows like those taken in your photographs, or better, dances n singing like what disney like to host! we barely have the chance to go to one here, but we won't miss it for anything while being out of town. :)

  4. Tekkaus Says:

    I have never been to such a show. But I think I will fancy going to such places if I have the chance.

  5. foongpc Says:

    I like musicals and orchestral performances!

  6. foongpc Says:

    And of course, I like to attend Mariah Carey concerts! Haha! She came over only once to Malaysia back in 2004 and never changed costume once during the concert! What the heck!

  7. foongpc Says:

    Well, can't blame her. It's her way of protesting our Malaysian ruling of not wearing sexy revealing dresses at a concert : (

  8. Ayie Says:


    All occasions and many shows to choose from =)

  9. Ayie Says:


    you too? It's nice to see those shows!

  10. Ayie Says:


    Musicals are nice, I love going to disney musicals.

  11. Ayie Says:

    Tekkaus, Take wifey with you, I bet both of you will enjoy!

  12. Ayie Says:


    I can be so sure of you attending the Mariah concert, and yes no skimpy clothes there! I like musicals too like disney and the like.

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