We've had several talks about moving to a bigger apartment since we're still saving for our future house purchase.  We had to sort out the pros and cons of moving and came up with a decision to sacrifice a bit more with our little place right now because it will be more trouble for us to move right now.  The thought of having a bigger space is very tempting but with thorough and deep thinking, we figured out we can still make things work for us better here where we are right now.  

Getting an apartment before was very easy, not much paperwork as compared to how they do things nowadays.  Before you will just have to do the tenant screening and if passed, sign the contract and mostly that's it.  It doesn't work that way now, maybe in some other places but as far as where we live they do tenant referencing and tenant credit checks.  It's understandable that they want to secure that the tenant will be capable of paying off his or her monthly dues.  

It's okay to do all these credit check but what's hard is when you don't have any credit history and they have specifics about this matter.  What if you're just beginning with the whole renting thing and you're basically just starting to live on your own?  Of course not all will have the credit history as expected, most especially it's quite hard to apply for credit card for the first time.   

We believe we won't have any problems with these referencing and checking and we're not closing our mind regarding moving.  It will all happen when the time is right.  We'd love to give the best for our little boy by all means but he has to understand and appreciate also that in life we all go through certain compromises and responsibilities.  Through this he will learn how to value simple things and carry it with him as he grow old.

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