Lately there were alarming news about people losing their money in their bank accounts due to the tampered self-service checkout counter in one particular grocery here in US.  The situation became so uncontrollable that the store has issued a notice for people to close their accounts in order to save their money.  The amount of damage was in bigger scale, many people were affected and even up to this point I am not sure if the case has been resolved already.  

This incident gave me quite a scare too because I have information here can easily be accessed. I remember when I was offered a rewards card for ACE Hardware all that was asked from me was my phone number.  I was like "wow, just that?", right after the cashier typed in my number he showed me the personal information to verify.  Believe it or not all personal information are there, sadly it truly makes you feel so exposed.

People can't be blamed for being concerned about their confidentiality.  In this modern world where paper data are all translated into online data, it is important for companies to protect and secure customers' confidential information.  Company like Merill Brink translation services offers professional VDR solution for IPO process, keeping  secured online data room accessible through the internet.  Merill as one of the long standing technical translations services provider, with forty years of service to over 500 companies in the financial and legal industries.  Such company is in charge of keeping people's valuable information from being exposed and highly restricted to the public eyes. 

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1 Response
  1. RNSANE Says:

    One does feel especially vulnerable when these kinds of things happen.

    During my four months in India, I have to use online banking and ATMs to access my money. I hope no one else is able to do so...I certainly don't have much for them to take.

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