It's been really chilly here lately and today's even more than the past days. For some reason it feels like winter breeze, I remember how my hands chilled when I drive the car early morning holding the ice cold driving wheel. Looks like I will have to use my gloves soon to keep these tiny hands from freezing. Remembering these snaps there in Marina Beach, SFO I can now see the beach more empty... no more of these playing kids with the waves catching the tides. See how happy they are?

Maybe playful dogs who love to play fetch in the waters won't be having their dip as well. They might be furry but not built for such freezing waters. I love this particular snap, after this dog's owner pitched the toy in the water the dog then went to signal his owner to find it. The dog hurriedly ran away and started burying his toy. Smart!

Despite having their wetsuits, I bet surfers will still chill and feel the winter freeze. Could they still be surfing and playing with the winds and waves as winter comes? I dared touch the water and quickly ran not to be soaked, it was already so cold that summer time. I can't imagine how much colder it can be this winter.

It was 4th of July when I snapped these shots. People flocked the beaches to watch the fireworks and have some picnic with friends and families. They happily played by the shore flying kites, sailed, surfed, strolled and spent the nights cozily admiring the bright playful fireworks in most places like Santa Cruz Beach, Half Moon Bay Beach, Myrtle Beach Hotel, Pacifica State Beach & Monterey Bay.

Will the shores be still this warm looking? I think I'd rather stay snugged viewing the shores from my hotel room or balcony. I'll still get to enjoy the nice cool winter breeze from there but at the same time take shelter immediately once the winds get too chilly. How nice would it be to stay in Palm Beach Hotel, Madeira Beach hotel, Oceanfront Myrtle Beach Hotel or Sheraton Virginia Oceanfront Beach Hotel relaxing and having such great view of the ocean during cold nights. Maybe that's a good way to be alone with your dear partner even just for a few days away from work and busy everyday life.

The streets are always full of fallen leaves all day through. just a few more weeks and here comes winter. No more falling leaves but lonely bare trees. You can't feel warmth from nature anymore, all you see is a town with few lights on. I prefer being by the beachside inns or hotel s hearing the waves than just plainly looking at the sight of a bare apple tree. It actually sometimes gives me the creeps seeing all the shadows of the branches. I can dream on being in Oceanfront Myrtle Beach Hotels with the sea just right beside me. I would gaze through the night looking at the starry skies and listening to the gentle waves.
I'm happy that I was able to capture all these photos, I can always have some summer memories to come back to when cold winter comes. To once again have a glance of people strolling by the shore or campers sitting peacefully enjoying nature. How I wish I can go anywhere I want to this winter time. Being booked in a nice cozy place or going to a snowy mountain are not my heart's true desire. Those are just some wants which I think can divert my winter blues. There's no place like home, very true. Only if me and my husband can fly this winter holidays to celebrate with my family just like the past 27yrs of holidays I spent with them then I will feel more complete.

These are beautiful beach shots. I like the beach in the winter when it's not so crowded.
Those shots are lovely.
Ayie, are planning to go back once you delivered your baby?
Nice photos! makes me want to go there! But I can tell you one thing, I can't stand the cold. I still prefer living in warm, tropical climate. And when it's cloudy and rainy, the weather is cooler and I always love it that way! : )
Spring is my favourite season. Winter is waaaay to cold for me!
I went hiking this morning, the breeze was at the right temperature, I enjoyed as much as I can.
I do not want winter, and how lucky I am.
winter is the milieu of colours and life...simply beautifully captured shots...lovely!
Hi Ayie! I love all your beautiful photos of the beach..I can almost feel the breeze! :)
I love winter...and would not mind experiencing a cold snowy one sometime soon... :)
nice..happy winter..
Winter? I can only experience that in my dream. LOL :D It is not going to happen here in Malaysia.
Anyway enjoy your winter Ayie. :D
By the way the dog was really funny. :D
wow, beautiful shots Ayie, yeah, the beach these days are just beautiful to look at, i have not been into the water for 2 months now, and surely, i do miss my boogie boarding days :(
looking at the water during cold weathers just gives the chills. winter seemed to be only exciting for those not living at a chilly countries, imagining it is so welcoming, but so far i had yet to hear anyone who truly enjoy it. :p it is quite chilly for us here now as well, rainy season, though still far from yours. :)
summer was cold? wow~ Winter would be painfully freezing! Please keep yourself warm and comfy :).
I love the beach anytime but I hate the freezing cold breeze =)
Thanks...we were planning to come back by 2010 originally to visit but I can't fly that time so we're adjusting it by another year hopefully when baby's about 1yr old. It's hard to fly and I feel bad for baby to be in 16hrs flight from here to home. Whenever that will be, it will definitely be announced here =)
I love the tropics too. I don't enjoy the beach here as much as I do there back home. No more skimpy bikinis! ahahaha!
I love spring too and I'm happy that baby will be born on spring time! The surrounding feels so lively during spring and temperature is something to enjoy too.
Yes you are so lucky to enjoy your hikes all year through without the freezing winter cold.
so you love winter?
I can smell a winter holiday from you! Thanks sweetie, I'm happy you like the shots!
The dog was having fun burrying his toy and making his owner find it! haha!
Go for a winter vacation then!
That busy? Oh my I never thought you don't even get to go anymore on weekends. Don't worry a little more and you'll be back on the road again. Take it easy.
I still miss my tropics cool xmas breeze, that's more enjoyable than the biting cold here.
I am trying my best to keep myself warm! Good thing we have heater here at home =P