Natural medicines are good for us but we also have to be careful not to drink or take just anything. We have to know which of which can actually make us better because some might not be accepted by our body and cause allergic reactions.
Herbalife has been known for its natural medicines and it's one of those companies that you can trust when it comes to natural medicine distribution. My mom once used Herbal Life products when she was offered by her friend. There are also many other distributors nowadays which works just as good. It's never too late to start taking care of our health, we can all make the change for the best!
The trip will just be here in California but it will require quite a drive. That's the thing that worries me much because baby can't stay put for a longer period in his infant seat. It will break mommy and daddy's hearts hearing him cry on the way. I will not reveal yet where we will be heading this weekend so I can just share the experience with some photos of the trip later on.
This trip is also timely because I've been looking for luggage online for our come back home trip. I was able to see options from LuggageOnTheWeb.com which are great fro travels. The one we have here is an oversized (baby and I can fit inside!) one which hubs used coming back here last 2005. Actually it's just right for him but for me and baby we'll need something smaller to avoid excess baggage weight limit too. Another concern is that we'll be carrying baby around so another bulky luggage can be quite a burden. I like it plain and simple like Hartmann luggage and Tumi luggage but after seeing Delsey luggage options, I knew it's something we're eyeing for. A good sized luggage and best of all lightweight. I'll be checking out backpacks too because it's very convenient to have one for light hand carry whether you're flying or even just traveling around and camping. We left our backpack back home so we'll need to get one for our use here too.
I better start gathering all the things we'll need for the outing so I'll be clear with those for tomorrow and will have more time to prepare the foods we're tasked to bring. So far I prepared baby's clothes and all medicines that we'll need in any case. Time to work on daddy's stuffs now =)
It's not the only place I used to go with mom and her students before. As part of mom's itinerary, she brings her students to orphanage, home for the aged, mental institution and other facilities like drug rehab or alcohol treatment center. This is part of her social sciences to have her class experience and get exposed to such facilities. Perhaps this is not the kind of field trip you would want to have but the truth is, I've learned so much being exposed to these trips. It's scary I admit but immersing to such experience opened up my eyes to a broader view in life. As a kid I learned how to value and respect those people undergoing such crisis and help those kids in the orphanage.
The scariest experience was there in the mental institution. I remember mom telling me to avoid interaction with those people because they can harm me since the are not in their right mind. I witnessed some who are really nuts and wild, people in charge of them had to give some drug treatment to calm them down. The screaming and weird action they were doing really scared me. Cases of people in the alcohol rehab undergoing alcohol treatment aren't really that bad compared to the mental hospital. Over all I felt sorry for all those people just by seeing them suffer. Of course what can you expect from a kid, right?
Aside from out TV time together, we have playtime at home and walks outdoors. I try to keep baby active as much as possible to further enhance his development and growth. But one of our best bonding is our feeding time. I am proud to say that I am purely breastfeeding baby since birth. He's been growing good and healthy and we thank mommy's precious milk for that. Despite my close supervision with baby he gets to have his own time by himself. I let him play alone when he feels like it and just keep watching him closely. That way he can explore and learn things also on his own without thinking mommy or daddy always have to do things for him. Bonding time is very important but it should never be exaggeratedly done.

Airline tickets right now are pretty cheap and very ideal for vacations but we're not ready yet to go plus we want baby to be bigger and at least able to walk so he can enjoy the most of the vacation too. What I like it there is that baby can play with many kids by our neighborhood and be really active. It will contribute so much to his social development which is very important. We're still choosing the date when to go also in consideration having a great bargain with discount airfare. If we can save more with the tickets then we'll have more dough to spare with the vacation travels and shopping.
I always carry with me our camera during my walks before because the downtown area always has something interesting views for my lenses. The first photo is hubs office building and it's perfect with the beautiful clouds. There were also some pretty flowers that time so I didn't miss the chance to snap some shots too.
If I remember it right the day I took this shot was the same day a couple asked me for an office located in the same building. To think I almost pointed them out to the other building across, good thing we saw the address plaque of the building. Then after verifying the address sign I helped them look for the wall address plaques to see the building directory. Funny that the unit they were looking for was just above hubs' office.
There are many different situations that you run into with the Connor family. There was even one episode where Becky the oldest daughter was giving a speech to her school and farted in front of the entire assembly. Then there was an episode where Dan caught Darlene the middle child being groped by a boy on her basketball team. The supporting characters add a flare and a life to the show that may not have other wise been there. You never know what you are going to see when you watch an episode of Roseanne.
This guest post from Efren Gill
We look at day trips as family activities. A vote is usually taken of where to go and the majority wins. One of our favorite day trips is to spend the day at the lake. We live in Colorado and love to go boating. Our favorite boating lake is the largest fresh water lake in the state- Lake Dillon. We pack a picnic lunch then head out with our boat in tow. Once the boat is in the water then the fun begins. We generally lose track of time and before we know it, the day has passed us by. But there is always another weekend. That is the beauty of summer.
Thanks for the post from Nora Mccoy
An example of bad exposure to certain things evident in our everyday surrounding like asbestos, can result to Mesothelioma cancer. Mesothelioma is a rare type of disease occurring in the mesothelium, a membrane which protects most of the internal organs of the body. Surviving mesothelioma can be possible if diagnosed in earlier stage and given appropriate medical treatment.
It's really hard to predict what could come our way in the future. Today you may find yourself healthy and the next day can be bad. The least that we can do is to do the best care we can for our body by eating healthy, staying active with exercise and living clean. We want to be a part of our kid's future therefore keeping him healthy is not the only priority but also keeping us healthy as well so we can live longer to take care of him.
As much as we want to start traveling now we're not the type to go anywhere unplanned and without the right budget. We believe that we'll get to enjoy more and maximize our trip if we have dough to spare. Maybe in time we can go to visit auntie and uncle and they can give us London private tour or better if they will extend the tour all the way to Paris. A Paris private tour from dear auntie and uncle will be exciting too. But before all those other international tours happen, we will go back home first and travel there with baby and my family.
It has liven up more here at home since baby came and even if it's more work than ever, I am very happy and content. Tiring as it can be but my little boy can do magic in cheering me up and taking away my tiredness with his smile and giggles. I am just thankful to God for keeping us all healthy and in good shape to keep up with everyday stress. It's not as easy as before though it's not as happy and complete too.
These are just few of my activities when I get some chance and that chance is very rare. Baby has scheduled naps in which I try to fit in other things to do like cooking dinner and finishing up my works. I don't feel bad not having some quality time alone because it's such a delight seeing my little boy every second and being with him always.
Next, check through all of your belongings to feel comfortable knowing that you have everything you'll be needing on the trip. If in doubt, stop at the store several days before leaving. Make certain that you're not waiting until the last minute to get ready, as that will just make for a stressful beginning to your vacation.
On the day before departure, finish packing and set the Security Choice home security alarm a bit early so you're not rushing around the day of. Finally, you'll wake up rested and all you'll need to do is grab your packed items, set your home security alarm and enjoy your trip without worry or hesitation!
Post written by travel blogger Hank Morrison
I really want to have a good sized Koi pond in the garden and have even just a small waterfall & wooden bridge. I find Japanese gardens so nice and calming, it can be a great place to just relax and unwind after a tiring day. If the garden will be big enough to have a small gazebo, probably Japanese inspired too I can make use of rain chains to add some aesthetics to it. Not only that it's decorative, a rain chain can be a good replacement for an unsightly downspout. This way water can be transported nicely to the drain without compromising aesthetics. I think a Japanese rain chain will be perfect since it's a Zen style garden.
That so far is the thing I am more solid about my ideal home, the garden. It's a must to have even just a small garden space and work out all the things I want there in smaller scale if needed. Maybe if we're lucky enough to get our own place here I can practice designing the garden so by the time we're ready to construct our place there in my homeland we'll have concrete idea how to do it.

Fun days for us is over, looks like it will be our kids who will be hanging out and having fun once we all reunite. The kids will probably use Bee English Dictionary, a free online dictionary where they can refer to. Looks like our old ways won't be embraced by the new generation and will prefer online dictionary. Well it doesn't really matter as long as they will have fun.
This work by Jif Photo Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.